Ah, the humble coffee tree! This wonder plant has been fueling our mornings (and afternoons, and evenings) for centuries, but how much do we really know about its lifespan? Well, grab a fresh cup of joe and settle in, because we’re about to embark on a journey of coffee tree facts and fun!

From Seed to Sprout: It all starts with a tiny little seed. Give it a warm and humid environment, and before you know it, you’ve got a sprout! This little guy can take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks to make an appearance.

The Teen Years: Once the sprout has emerged, it’s time for the coffee tree to hit its teenage years. This stage can last anywhere from 3 to 5 years, during which time the tree will grow tall and strong, putting out new leaves and branches.

Coming of Age: After 5-7 years, the coffee tree is officially an adult and ready to start producing coffee beans! This is the stage where the tree will start to reach its full height, which can range from 10 to 30 feet depending on the variety.

Midlife Crisis?: Don’t worry, coffee trees don’t go through midlife crises (at least not that we know of). But after about 15 years, coffee trees will start to slow down a bit in their production of coffee beans.

Golden Years: Despite slowing down in its middle years, a coffee tree can live for a long, long time. Some coffee trees have been known to live for over 100 years! Can you imagine sipping on coffee made from beans grown on a tree that old?

Legacy: And even when a coffee tree does eventually pass on, its legacy lives on. Coffee trees are often propagated by cutting a branch from an established tree and planting it in the ground. This means that the coffee tree’s genes (and its love for coffee) will continue to live on for generations to come!

So there you have it! A fun and frothy look at the lifespan of a coffee tree. Who knew these little guys had such a rich and interesting history? So, next time you’re sipping on your morning cup of joe, take a moment to appreciate the long and fascinating journey that brought it to your cup.